The React UIÂ library you always wanted
MUI provides a robust, customizable, and accessible library of foundational and advanced components, enabling you to build your design system and develop React applications faster.
From startups to Fortune 500s, the world's best product teams use MUI to build their UIs.
Extensive library of components, ready for production
A suite of products integrated to make your life easier when it comes to setting up design systems.
Developer experience
Powerful tools to help you build all types of user interfaces
Beautifully designed
You can start your projects with Google's Material Design or build your designs using sophisticated theming features.
Easily customized
Enjoy the power of our components without sacrificing the styles you want. Tweak how your components render down to the very last class.
Superb documentation
Our docs were shaped throughout the years with the help and experience of our trusted 2,000+ open-source contributors. It's all there!
Accessibility in mind
We care about making it great for everyone. We improve accessibility for all of our components constantly, helping you to reach the largest audience possible!
Ready to use
Self-supporting, simple, declarative components
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Our sponsors
The continued development and maintenance of MUI is greatly helped by our generous sponsors.
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